Livermore, CA – The Livermore City Council took action at its meetings on January 29 and 30 that sets in motion next steps for revitalization of the City’s 8.2 acre parcel in Downtown Livermore. This includes selecting a preferred concept for the site; and proceeding with the necessary agreements to implement projects for a long-awaited boutique hotel, parking and housing laid out in the City’s 2004 adopted Downtown Specific Plan with the addition of a major public park and pedestrian-friendly green space, a priority identified through a more recent 2-year community outreach process.
“After a long and thorough deliberative process by the mayor and city council with input from the public, LVCC congratulates City leaders on the decision to execute a plan that includes all the key elements supported by this community,” said Steve Larrañaga, chairman of the Chamber’s board of directors. “It took focus and determination to work through technical, financial and political challenges and we appreciate the opportunity to be part of this collaborative process and are extremely pleased with the outcome.”
LVCC served on the 19-member stakeholder Downtown Steering Committee in 2017 which was responsible for laying out the guidelines for a comprehensive public outreach plan that included screening 4 different concepts for community review and alteration.
A Bow to the Past and a Nod to the Future
“We especially want to recognize the involvement of the Livermore Stockmen’s Rodeo Association, whose thoughtful and creative offer to exchange land adjacent to the Civic Center campus to accommodate some of the Downtown designated housing for land on the 8.2 acre parcel for its long-planned park and memorial dedicated to past generations of Stockmen and military veterans,” said Dawn Argula, LVCC CEO who represented the Chamber on the Steering Committee. “The entire LVCC organization deeply appreciates the remarkable contributions of LSRA and we look forward to continuing to support them and the City to deliver what is sure to become a timeless symbol of our Livermore Valley heritage and vision for its future.”
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Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce is a membership organization representing more than 500 businesses and organizations. Its mission is to enhance the business environment and quality of life in the Livermore Valley through innovation, leadership, visionary programs and powerful connections.
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