During October 1-9, 2015 a group of teachers, parent chaperons, and nearly twenty middle school students visited Japan as part of a student exchange program. Livermore students lived with a host family and attended school in the city of Yotsukaido, Japan. The Livermore Yotsukaido Sister City Organization (LYSCO) organized the exchange program. In March 2016, Japanese students will have the opportunity to visit and attend Livermore public schools and live with a local host family.
“At Livermore public schools, we are dedicated to preparing our students to make a difference on a global level,” said Kelly Bowers, Superintendent Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District. “The Japanese exchange programs help all of our students understand their broader world by fostering a rich and deep connection to another culture.”
Each March, after the Japanese students visit Livermore, seventh grade students apply to the exchange program. Interested students must write an essay, receive teacher recommendations, and interview with the LYSCO Board, which consists of adults and past student participants. Accepted students must maintain a GPA standard and commit to studying the Japanese culture and language throughout the yearlong program. Livermore’s Sister City Yotsukaido has a similar population and socio-economic demographics to Livermore. The city is located about one hour from Tokyo, near the Narita airport.
The Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District serves nearly 12,500 students in kindergarten through the 12th grade in eight elementary schools, two K-8 schools – including one school with the International Baccalaureate program, three middle schools, two comprehensive high schools, and two alternative schools. Our teachers offer inspiring programs that prepare students to contribute and thrive in their community. For more information about the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District please visit www.livermoreschools.com.
- Riding the bus
- New friends
- Learning to write
- Trying on clothes
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