Blog – Chairman’s Circle

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Visit Tri-Valley Announces Second Annual Taste Tri-Valley

Visit Tri-Valley, the region’s destination marketing organization, in partnership with the Cities and Chambers of Commerce of Pleasanton, Livermore, Dublin and Town of Danville, are hosting the second annual Taste Tri-Valley Restaurant Week

2022 Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors Installed

On January 26, Livermore Vice Mayor Gina Bonanno did the honors, installing the 2022 Board of Directors and its Chairman for the Livermore Valley Chamber of Commerce.  Harold Roundtree, CEO of UNCLE Credit Union, was sworn in for his third term as Chairman.  Newly elected to their offices - Jody Amos, Amos Productions is Vice [...]

What the New California Compost & Recycling Law Means for Businesses and Multifamily Properties

In Alameda County, the Organics Reduction & Recycling Ordinance will be put in place to help residents and businesses comply with the regulations set by the state.

Cybersecurity Essentials For Safeguarding Your Data at Work and Home

Business owners need to know that any hacking attempt have the same motives in mind: to steal your money, company data or sensitive information. The following tips are ways that Livermore businesses can be prepared for any potential risks.

2021-11-04T10:50:10-07:00November 2, 2021|Blog - Chairman's Circle|0 Comments

Fremont Bank Named a Top Bay Area Workplace for the11th Consecutive Year

Creating a bond with our clients and our community is one of the most important things to us here at Fremont Bank.

2021 Top Workplace Honor Marks Decade of Recognition for California Water Service Group by Bay Area News Group

The utility—which was already heralded as a top employer due to its opportunities for growth, competitive compensation and benefits package, and ethics, among other reasons—further enhanced support for its employees during the ongoing pandemic.

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